Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Encouraging morning

Bob woke up feeling much better this morning - took a shower without oxygen and without being tired out by it. That is especially encouraging since it was during his shower Monday morning that he realized he was so short of breath and weak he had to go to the hospital. I'm just so glad he didn't die. Today could be so different. We are still waiting on the echocardiogram results and for the cumadin and luvanox to get his blood thin enough that risk of further clots is reduced. I don't know how long that will take, before they feel he is safe to release. I'm still holding back emotionally a little until that doctor reads the echo, but mostly I'm in a good place, full of tenderness for all I love, especially Bob, and planning writing projects to make the most of this time away from other projects.


  1. Victoria, I somehow just discovered this blog. Maybe I missed mention in previous posts on other blogs, but I am so glad to finally be here! I have loved reading the posts from the fall about the co-housing, and of course am really pleased to see updates on Bob. I am relieved it is good news so far and that you both seem to be doing well considering. Sending you both much love, prayer, positive thoughts, hugs!!
