Sunday, November 28, 2010

In Appreciation of Ruth's Magic Touch


My daughter Ruth
works magic with space,
turns chair, clears air,
paints wall, work of art
,opens hearts, sets table,
nourishes friendships
,organizes for serenity
,designs for connection,
moves through room,
trails beauty like love.

Victoria Hendricks
November 24, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010


This year has brought so many changes, some we planned and hoped for, like Bob getting a job in Austin and moving home and others, like his leaving the job when it became impossibly stressful, not planned. Yesterday Chris cooked Thanksgiving dinner for himself, Drea, Joanna, Liam, Ruth, Bob and I. It fed soul as well as body, a truly nurturing feast. For a while all of my grandchildren were playing in the backyard at the same time. That felt good. Today we helped Joanna move the last of her belongings out of storage to take to San Antonio. This year has brought so many changes, none of us where we expected to be or doing what we expected to be doing. It is good to have the love we have, the comingled lives, the children thriving. Ruth and I took down Thanksgiving decorations this afternoon and decorated for winter/Channukah, both of which come early this year. I feel the vulnerability of being alive, also the tender sweetness and the sense of Thanksgiving lingering after its holiday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I love the resilience of the human spirit. Bob has been so banged up by his recent hostile and frustrating work situation. All of us are worried about money, but at this moment I'm lying in my bed with my computer while Chris cooks fragrant chicken with rice and Bob and guitar hafe their guitars out, playing songs from my childhood - especially my Dad's two favorites "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" and "I've Been Working on the Railroad". Liam claps and dances along. I love living in a house full of live music, have most of my life. It makes me really happy that Liam and K.K. are growing up where singing to and with each other is part of everyday life. I feel a well of happiness beneath my anxiety. Life is at least partly what we make of it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hard Times

It's been hard at our house - money worries, job distress for Bob, fears about his health for me. And yet we continue to share laughter, meals, song, the thriving of Liam and K.K. Better together than alone, whatever the times bring.