Friday, November 13, 2009

Childproofing, Priorities, Love

I'm worn out this Friday night. The work week was a struggle, because so many clients are really struggling themselves. Coming home to the house has felt good. Liam is all over on his own two feet and Ruth is half a step ahead of him childproofing. Or she was only half a step ahead until today. Now I think she has gotten the house safe for our rambunctious boy. And beautiful. Tonight I've been sitting in my room being mindless on the computer and Ruth and K.K. have been reordering the layout of hte garage. I love that we are working together, all three generations, though I haven't done much tonight. Monday I helped K.K. clear out her room at her old house and I've promised to help her wiht the difficult process of deciding what she does not need to take into her new room. Tonight she's helping Ruth. While Ruth and K.K. work and I write and unwind, Chris has taken Liam on a long stroller walk in the mild fall night. It may be too cold for that by this time next week. I like being actively, day in and day out, part of a family at this time in my life. It was fine before. I wasn't lonely Everything more or less worked. This is just better.


  1. How well things are working out for you all is amazing and wonderful. Who would have thought, last year at this time, where you all would be today.....

  2. I get such warm fuzzy feelings reading about the co-housing experience for you and your kids, Victoria. What a delightful happening.
